jQM-Windows-mDialog - mDialog API: Menu Mode

mDialog API - Menu Mode Options


This controls whether to use the menu mode.

If set to non-false, this text will be used for the header string.

With above, this is the theme for the header to use.

If you wish to make sure you popup is of a minimum width, and you are using menuHeaderText, you can set this to any valid css string.

When set to non-false, this will be a second string under menuHeaderText. For “button” style, it is a paragraph, for “list” style it is a list divider.

This will appear below inputs.

The style of buttons to use, either “list” or “button”

The default theme for the buttons or list items.

This is a list of input elements to appear in the control. Object parts are:

Example of 2 elements:

menuInputList: [
  {'id': 'firstIN', 'title':'An Input #1', 'type':'text', 'value':'xxx'},
  {'id': 'secondIN', 'title':'An Input #2', 'type':'text'}

Note that these are supplied to both the “click” function for each button and the callbackClose function as array pairs of [<element ID>, <element Value>]


This is the click event that is listened for on the buttons. ‘click’ or ‘vclick’ are the usual options.