jQueryMobile - SimpleDialog

jQuery Mobile Framework :: SimpleDialog

A Popup Dialog Box for jQueryMobile

SimpleDialog aims to be a replacement for javascript dialog(), written for jQM.

String Input Mode

This shows the simplest form of string input.

You have entered:

Open Dialog HTML
<p>You have entered: <span id="dialogoutput"></span></p>

<a href="#" id="dialoglink" data-role="button">Open Dialog</a>
$(document).delegate('#simplestring', 'click', function() {
    'mode' : 'string',
    'prompt' : 'What do you say?',
    'buttons' : {
      'OK': {
        click: function () {
      'Cancel': {
        click: function () { },
        icon: "delete",
        theme: "c"

String Password Input Mode

This shows getting a password input.

You have entered:

Open Dialog HTML
<p>You have entered: <span id="dialogoutput"></span></p>

<a href="#" id="dialoglink" data-role="button">Open Dialog</a>
$(document).delegate('#simplepass', 'click', function() {
    'mode' : 'string',
    'prompt' : 'Password?',
    'inputPassword': true,
    'buttons' : {
      'OK': {
        click: function () {
      'Cancel': {
        click: function () { },
        icon: "delete",
        theme: "c"

Adding to a Select Box

This shows how to use SimpleDialog to add to a select box.

<div data-role='fieldcontain'> 
  <label for='vendor'>Some Select Menu, using jQM styles</label> 
  <select data-native-menu="false" name='stringselect' id='stringselect' > 
    <option data-placeholder='true'>Choose one...</option> 
    <option data-addoption='true' value='0'>Add New...</option> 
    <option value='Example Vendor'>Example Vendor</option> 
    <option value='Another Example Vendor'>Another Example Vendor</option> 
$(document).delegate('#stringselect', 'change', function(e) {
  var self = this;
    if ( $(this).attr('data-addoption') ) {
        'mode' : 'string',
        'prompt' : 'Add New Option',
        'useDialogForceFalse' : true,
        'buttons' : {
          'Yes, Add' : {
            click: function () { 
              thisopt = $(self).attr('data-string');
              $('<option value="'+thisopt+'" selected="selected">'+thisopt+'</option>').appendTo($(self));
              $(self).selectmenu('refresh', true);
              return true; }
          'Cancel' : {
            click: function () { $(self).selectmenu('open'); },
            icon: "delete"
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